How can you take care of yourself at home?
Looking after yourself is very important. A home spa is the best way to relax after work and rest after a hard day. It has the great advantage that you do not have to plan it in advance and make an appointment. You also don’t have to travel anywhere. You do everything your way when it suits you.
15 ways of looking after yourself without leaving home.
You can use all the points, and you can choose one, two or three – it all depends on how much time you have and what you like.
1. Be offline
It has already been scientifically proven that browsing social media can contribute to the formation and aggravation of depression. It also significantly reduces our mood – especially if we start comparing ourselves with other people on social platforms.
My method, which I have been practicing for several months now, is to turn on airplane mode on my phone. I turn it on right after I have a shower in the evening and leave it until morning. I turn on the phone only after my morning journaling and a short meditation.
Such a small change in your routine will allow you to fully enjoy the evening and remove the urge to mindlessly scroll through Facebook or Instagram.

2. Make yourself a pot of herbal tea
Prepare a pot of green or herbal tea for yourself. Drink it without doing anything else.
My latest favorite is white tea. It is definitely more delicate than green. I got my first package from India, where my friend was visiting ( 3 years ago) and I have been drinking it since! White tea is made of the most delicate leaves that do not undergo any treatment. Care is also taken not to damage them so that they can be brewed whole.
However, you have to be very careful not to pour too hot water over it. It actually gives herbal teat that bitter flavor. It is also important to quickly remove the leaves from the brew – I leave them for 2-3 minutes. The leaves can be used many times.
A simple act of hydration is another easy way of looking after yourself.
3. Reach for a good book
Surely you have a shelf or a list of books waiting their turn. Reach for one of them right now. However, try to make it not just another research or development book – choose something light. Something you want to read just for yourself, not because it is appropriate or because it will be useful to you in your career development. Simple easy read just for mind relaxation.

4. Make a series of conscious breaths
Calm breathing signals to your body that everything is fine and that it can stop stressing.
Thanks to it, you will also provide your body with the right amount of oxygen. A series of deep breaths really soothes the body and takes the stress out of everyday life out of the body.
Sit comfortably on a mat or meditation cushion. You can also simply sit on a chair, but remember not to lean against the backrest – try to actively lengthen your spine and stretch the top of your head towards the ceiling. Take a moment to focus on your breathing. You can also count your breaths – try to count to 5 while inhaling, hold it for 5, and exhale for 5 or even better half as long as inhaling.
A few of these breathing series will help you relax effectively and clear your mind. Looking after yourself can be as easy as that.
5. Take a salt bath
Prepare a long bath just like in the best spa salons. Turn on your favorite music, light candles, and use your favorite essential oil. ( I recommend lavender for its calming properties).
You can add salt to the bathtub. I discovered a bath with salt a few years ago and it is one of the best things!
Salt mixed with warm water has many wonderful properties – first of all, it relaxes and relaxes. It works great in the case of muscle or joint pain. It also has a great cleansing effect – it helps with skin problems such as psoriasis and acne.
There are different types of salt you can add to your bath. You can use Himalayan, sea or Epsom salt (also known as bitter salt).
Dead Sea salt
The Dead Sea salt, which I would like to recommend to you today, is characterized by the fact that it has a high content of sea minerals as well as magnesium, sulfates, and potassium.
A bath with Dead Sea salt is recommended for dry skin, it is also helpful in the treatment of eczema and psoriasis. It also reduces rheumatic pains, and muscle and joint pains. The high mineral content supports cleansing and detoxification.

6. Looking after yourself by doing a full body scrub
Peeling makes the skin of the face and body look younger and healthier. Besides, it just becomes nicer to the touch.
The natural cycle of the skin and its regeneration takes about a month. During this time, new cells, which are formed in the innermost layer, move upwards. Then they too become dehydrated and calloused, making room for the emerging new ones. Unfortunately, this cycle sometimes may take longer – the cause is stress, insufficient sleep, fatigue or stimulants. As a result, the skin, instead of quickly making room for new cells, builds up and turns grey. That is why it is worth helping her with peeling – removing dead epidermis mechanically, making it immediately brighter and softer. Along with removing the dry layer of the epidermis, we also unblock the sebaceous glands, which is especially important for people with skin problems.
In addition, after removing this outer layer, moisturizing and nourishing cosmetics penetrate deeper and work more effectively.
The ingredients of cosmetics are important. Try to choose those without synthetic additives that dry out the skin. Good ones are based on salt (or sugar, if you prefer a softer one) or … sand. Cool in summer, because you can walk barefoot and rub yourself with sand, but what to do outside during the holidays? My all-time favorite is mixing used coffee grinds with sugar and olive oil… It is amazing on my skin!
7. Apply a mask
Looking after yourself includes looking after your skin! I love all kinds of face and body masks. I have the impression that they have some kind of a built-in “stop, rest!” button. The very act of application means that instead of running around, I just sit (or lie down) and read. And if I don’t read, I watch a movie. I love buying all sorts of clays and mixing them with mineral water. These masks are not only great for the face but also for the body! On oily and problematic skin, we can leave those types of masks until they dry.

8. Fall in love with body and hair oiling
After peeling, it is important to moisturize the body – I recommend almond oil for this purpose, but it is all a matter of your skin’s needs. For some, coconut oil works, for me, it turned out to be a total failure as it feels like it just sits there and my skin still feels dry.
When oiling your body, try to do something similar to a self-massage. Even if you are completely unfamiliar with it, nothing is lost – do as your body and hands tell you. The oil takes a little time to be absorbed so do not get ready for an evening out because you can damage your clothes! Rather, get your pajamas and a bathrobe out ????.
Currently, I do not use hair oiling because I simply do not need it. Since I stopped using commercial cosmetics and hair straighteners I just don’t need it as much. Nevertheless, at the time when I was regularly coloring my hair, they were dry and needed it badly. I used oil on dry hair before washing. I applied the oil up to the ear level with a focus on the tips. Then it is worth putting on a towel turban and giving yourself a minimum of half an hour, preferably even a few hours. I know some people also go to bed with oil, but I never did.
9. Meditation
Take time to meditate in the morning or evening. Even if you have absolutely no idea about it, don’t hesitate, just try it. Perhaps you can make a daily habit out of it.
To put it simply, the purpose of meditation is to clear the mind of the ego’s thoughts, images, and aspirations. Striving to be here and now without looking ahead and thinking about the past. It’s a state of full awareness.
Osho put it like this:
“When you are not engaged in any activity – with your body, mind or any other level – when you are doing nothing but being, that is meditation”
Below you will find links to my 2 favorite short meditations:
10. Take care of your feet
Going barefoot allows us, above all, to ground ourselves – literally and figuratively. We stand firmly and consciously on our feet. It also gives us an amazing connection with Mother Earth, which we often miss in the age of constantly wearing shoes. It is also a perfect way to massage acupuncture and acupressure. It has been known for a long time that the feet are a map of our body, and the pressure of the right places can remove diseases from other parts of the body. It also improves blood circulation, which promotes faster cleansing of the body.
It is important to take care of our feet, after all, they carry us throughout life. In winter, we do not always have the option of barefoot walking, although if possible, I recommend doing it as often as possible at home. I walk in my garden every day barefoot regardless of the temperature outside. It makes me feel grounded in a moment.
But we can take care of your feet in a different way…. we can prepare a foot spa!
Wash off the varnish, shorten the nails to the appropriate length, and prepare a foot bath. It will be a perfect relaxation for them, it will also help to soften the skin and fight bacteria.
We can simply add salt to a bowl of warm water. It will soften the skin, it also has a refreshing and healing effect.
Instead of salt, you can also opt for a herbal bath, choosing the right plant for your needs. Chamomile is perfect for tired feet. For example, lavender will be useful for excessive sweating. For irritated skin, oak bark or sage will help. Add a glass of ready-made infusion to a bowl of warm water.
Just sit down comfortably, put your feet in the bowl, and relax – such a bath should last 15-20 minutes. You could either read a book or meditate at the same time ????.
Looking after yourself is very important
11. Eat something good
The popular saying goes like this: “Through the stomach to the heart.” and for a good reason. While pampering your taste buds, it’s also easy to hit your own heart.
Find a recipe for your dream dessert or dish you love (or one you have never eaten!), Prepare it and… eat it whole. Savouring, enjoying, and not having any regrets about eating it.
If you don’t like to eat alone, of course, share it with someone close to you.
Don’t force yourself to cook either – if you don’t like it or are fed up with it every day, just order something ready.

Breakfast ideas:
Lunch Ideas:
Dinner Ideas:
Delicious butter chickpea masala
Red lentil dhal with masala carrots
Stuffed sweet potato with Quorn
12. Listen to good music
Music is the best way to raise your mood and put yourself in a good mood. It can also have a calming and relaxing effect – so make sure you turn on something while showering. Or while lying down with a mask.
What comes to my mind right now is the music created by Hang Massive. I absolutely love it! Check it out below:
13. Watch an inspiring movie
I think watching a movie is almost always associated with relaxing or fun times. When you watch a movie, you experience different emotions without suffering the real-life side effects. It helps many of us to relax, decrease anxiety, inspire motivation, and can even give us energy for real life!
Watching movies encourages emotional release
Even those who often have trouble expressing their emotions might find themselves laughing or crying during a film. This release of emotions can have fantastic stress and anxiety-raising effects.
14. Looking after yourself by get a good night’s sleep
Scientists agree that getting enough sleep is very important to our brain. It is not worth saving time sleeping. You probably know best how much time you need to sleep.
However, in addition to the number of hours you sleep, what time you go to sleep is also important. Ayurveda recommends going to bed before 10 pm and getting up before 6 am. I myself try to go to bed at 10 pm and read a book while having my phone on airplane mode.
I find that if I am sticking to some sort of bed routine it is easier for me to get up in the morning and I feel that I tend to sleep better. Do you have a bedtime routine?

15. Joga
Yoga allows you to get rid of accumulated stress and tension. And this, unfortunately, accumulates quite a lot during the day. Conscious movements also create opportunities for better contact with your body and breathing.
I try to include yoga or some kind of stretching a few times a week. Sometimes I find it quite challenging as mind my tends to go more toward strength training or HIIT (high-intensity intervals). Yoga sometimes feels like a waste of my time when I could just sweat it out, but I haven’t regretted any stretch or Yoga class yet! This is my New Year’s resolution: Focus more on stretching and yoga for the body and MIND.

Wellness plan| Achieving wellness
Taking care of yourself and spending time with yourself is by no means selfish. It is an example of a healthy and mature relationship with yourself. Only after you take care of yourself and take care of yourself, you are able to really take care of others.
Forgetting about ourselves increases our level of frustration, which, unfortunately, we often transfer to our entire environment.
I hope that you have learned that self-care is crucial to a person’s psychological well-being. Above self-care ideas can help us to reduce stressors and help us lead a successful life emotionally, psychologically, and physically.
Beautiful post! self care and taking care of yourself and so so important, thank you for this beautiful reminder
Thank you 🙂 x
Thank you for these great ideas. One thing I really struggle with is being offline. I can’t think of time when I can do that. Even on vacation. I love the idea of a home spa too.
I am exactly the same! I have to schedule my time off!
A cup of tea and a good book are 2 of my absolute favorite tings! I love this list.
thank you 🙂
Such a good post! Love all these ideas especially the music recommend. Thank you
I am so happy you liked it 🙂 Thank you